
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語口語 >


時間: 楚薇20 分享



You should say

Who this person was

How you knew this person

What impressed you about this person

And explain why you wanted to be similar to this person

Over my teenage years, I always want to be a good leader. I think the stuff a leader should be made of is a high sense of collaboration, a stable and sound personality and the spirit of sacrifice. If I take these 3 properties into consideration, I think there’s only one person need meet this requirement, his name is José Mourinho, one of the best soccer coaches ever. He first masterpiece in the soccer arena was back in 2003, he led FC Porto, a team which is made of promising young minors to the summit of Euro Champion, which is called “the mission impossible” by the fans and soccer world. Mourinho started his career as a translator for the most famous soccer club FC Barcelona. After years of following the team, he learnt a lot about soccer and the mechanism of how to run a football team and how to be a brilliant coach. It’s really hard to believe that a man with such a humble birth could deliver so many miracles to the soccer arena, from 2003,he brought his career to a brand-new stage, leading FC Porto,FC Chelsea, Inter Millano and Real Madrid to the top of the league and achieve 2 times of Euro Champions during the years. Such great success in his coaching career is one of the kind, despite he wasn’t served for professional soccer in his preliminary career stage but an outsider, his later on boost in coaching was even more astonishing.

I first get to know José Mourinho was in year 2004, when he was the coach of FC Chelsea, that year Chelsea was just a second class club in the premier league but after he’s on the coach, everything’s changed, they started the season with an irresistible momentum and took hold of the rest of the competitors. Finally they embraced the champion of the league.

I think the most thing that he impressed he was his way of leading his group When the team fell, he always attribute the failure to his own reason but not anyone of the team to fault. When the team rose up and succeed, his never take it as his own merit but act as if there’s nothing to do with him but only his boys. Moreover, when someone come up and accused his teammates, he will try whatever he can to protect and defend him. All of these aspects are what I think valuable properties of a great leader.

The reason why I want to be similar to him is because I always want to lead a group of people to achieve the common goal of us. In the school, I was also the kind of guy that want others follow my idea and carry out thing good together. But you know, everyone in a team need to be motivated and encouraged by the leader. Such quality and inter-personal skills need a long time to build up. But through learning the way Mourinho leading his team. I don’t think it’s that hard anymore. I’d like to apply his way of being a responsible leader to my life too.


1. What kinds of people do children in China want to be similar to when they grow up?

Most children in China want to be similar to their parents. Parents are the people who are most involved in a child’s life, thus he or she wants to be most like them. Also children always think that their parents are the greatest people in the world. They often brag about their parents’ achievements to their friends. I once read a psychology book;it said that you can always see people from three different aspects, as a child, as a sophisticated adult, or as their parents. I believe this idea has a lot of significance in a person’s character.

2. Do you think it is good for children and young people to use entertainment stars as role models?

No, I do not think it is good for children and young people to use entertainment stars as role models. One reason is that many young people get depressed,because they cannot measure up to the impossible standards that the entertainment industry sets. Another reason is that many celebrities live very immoral lives. Many celebrities abuse alcohol and drugs, and many are in constant troubles with the law. Basically, the majority of entertainment stars are not fit to serve as role models for young people today.

3. Why do some companies advertise products by using famous people?

Some companies use famous people to advertise their products,because many people aspire to be famous or at least respect famous people’s opinions. It is also a well-known fact that most famous people are also very wealthy. So, if people see that someone famous using a certain product, they get the impression that it is a quality product. Another reason is that famous people are usually attractive. Having an attractive person in your advertisement draws in people’s attention, and will keep people’s attention longer than unattractive person.

4. Do you think this is good?

It is good for the company that is trying to sell the product, because it gets their product some recognition. So when consumers go to buy something at the store this advertisement will be in their mind. As a result it can increase their sales. It is good for the economy because people are spending money on these products and cash is continuing to exchange hands. Production and transportation continue, thus, creating jobs for the common man and lowering unemployment.



我的優(yōu)勢在發(fā)音,能隨機應變和心理素質比較好。我說的是美語,發(fā)音比較標準,被同學和老師說過像外國人,做過學校英文播音員,外教也說過我的speaking skill is pretty strong,基于這么幾點我就沒特意準備口語,考試的時候也一點不怕,因為平時經常有事沒事就去找外教聊天,常常沒什么事也逼著自己去說,就是要練這種臨場應變的能力。我的雅思口語7分的經驗是:



三,學會避重就輕。無論你多會說,考試總有一定的不確定性,總有可能遇到那種一聽就不知道怎么答的題目,所以一定要學會怎么避重就輕,換句話說就是臨機應變的能力。二戰(zhàn)口語的part 2考官要我描述一個我喜歡的花園和我會在這個花園里做什么,這個題目我從來沒準備過,而且我最討厭也最不會描述空間,花草動物之類我也是最不會說的。但是我還是保持冷靜,相信自己肯定能自圓其說,于是我抓緊那一分鐘好好準備,看看能不能從其他我熟悉的角度來描述花園。因為我比較會描述建筑和藝術相關的,于是我說我喜歡花園里有特別的architecture style, 例如Renaissance (文藝復興)時期的,還有別致的stone road,許多available facilities like swimming pools,我喜歡在這個花園里have a picnic,take photos and vedios by my digital camera等等。這樣就揚長避短,反而讓考官覺得我說得很有新意,雖然我描述的其實和花花草草沒什么關系。



在說之前,我先說說我前兩次考鴨的口語成績吧,分別都是4分。慘! 考的時候,我并不知道為何這么低分的,我可是有充分準備的,而那些并沒有我這般充分準備的戰(zhàn)友們,卻個個都至少考5分,甚至更高,why? 但現(xiàn)在我才知道,就是因為這個該死的評分標準。














I don't know, but my brother thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟認為。。。)

I don't know, but my father thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸認為。。。)

I don't know, but my friends think that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友們認為。。。)


另外,如果你聽不清楚考官問什么問題時,一定要考官重復一遍,這是不會扣你分的,而且是你的權利。因為不同考官口音的不同,有時候會出現(xiàn)聽不清楚問題是很正常的,考官是允許你讓他重復一次問題的,(這是考口語,又不是考聽力,對不?)如果對方重復了一次問題,你還是聽不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重復,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以說:i'm sorry, do you want me to talk about __X?

總結:反正在F這部分,要求的就是你口語流暢,只要你沒有停頓(停下來>=5秒),那么你在這部分至少就可以得6分。明白嗎?(P.S.: 我在前兩次考鴨中,口語都是停停說說的,怪不得我才得4分了。在第二次考試中,我還故作沉思狀,哎,怪不得死得一樣慘。)



I think that ....

I figure that ....


你不要認為figure會比think的效果要好得多,其實并不然。在英語中,think直接明?,是很formal的(正式的)。而figure卻是informal(不正式的),而且還是very informal(非常不正式的)。英國的雅思老師告訴我,最好不要使用figure為“認為”,無論在任何場合,因為是very informal的!所以如果象這樣用錯了詞匯,你就肯定在這部分被扣分了。


(P.S.: 我在前兩次考鴨中,每當說到“我認為”時,我都說“I figure that...”,當時我還以為自己很牛B呢,沒想到。。。怪不得才得4分了。)






“我更喜歡......” 應該說:“i prefer like to...”,不應該說:“i more like to...”

“我不擅長于...” 應該說:“i am not be good at...”,不要說:“i am not good for...”

“....是如此簡單” 應該說:“It's so easy for ...”,不要說:“.... is so easy”

總結:如果你可以好好地,熟練地掌握中學所教的英語語法以及短語,而且把它轉化為口語去掌握,那么你在這部分至少有6分的水平(P.S.: 俺的語法水平從來都不好,說得急了,就忘了什么時態(tài)了,所以前兩次才得4分。大家要留意這點血的教訓!)





(P.S.: 我上一次考鴨中,口語考官皺了好幾次眉頭,看來我的發(fā)音不好,他沒有聽明白,怪不得4分了)


1、進入考場的時候,一定要和考官打招呼,講句“good morning”什么的都可以,而且要有精神和很神氣地說,讓人家在第一映象上覺得你是懂英語的,且讓他感覺你在說:“come on! ask me question!”


To sum up:




雅思英語口語Part 3易忽視的3個細節(jié)

