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  Warren Buffett (August 30, 1930 -), male, August 30, 1930 was born in Omaha, Nebraska, the world's leading investors. Engaged in stock, electronic spot, the fund industry.

  September 22, 2016, Bloomberg Global 50 most influential people list, Warren Buffett ranked ninth. In October 2016, in the "Forbes" magazine released the annual "US 400 Rich List", Warren Buffett ranked third. December 14, 2016, won the "2016 most influential CEO" honor. March 21, 2017, in the "Forbes 2016 Global Rich List", Warren Buffett ranked second.



  In 1941, just entered the 11-year-old, he jumped into the stock and bought the first stock of his life.

  In 1947, Warren Buffett entered the University of Pennsylvania for financial and business management. But he felt that the professor's short theory is not fun, two years later transferred to the University of Nebraska Lincoln, a year received a bachelor's degree in economics.

  1950 Buffett applied for Harvard University was shut out, admitted to the Columbia University business school, apprentice in the famous investment theory writer Benjamin Graham. Under the door of Graham, Buffett was in the water.

  Graham opposed speculation, advocating the analysis of the company's profitability, asset situation and future prospects and other factors to evaluate the stock, he taught Buffett's rich knowledge and know-how.

  In 1951, 21-year-old Buffett received a master's degree in economics from Columbia University. When he graduated, he got the highest A +.


  In 1952, Buffett and Susan Thompson married, both of their parents are years old friends. When studying at Northwestern University, Susan and Buffett's sister, Roberta, lived in the same dormitory. When Buffett visited her and offered her to marry her, Susan left the university and married him. Mrs. Buffett grew up only one and a half blocks away from Buffett's home.


  In 1957, Buffett set up a non-binding Buffett investment club, the funds reached $ 300,000, but rose to $ 500,000 at the end of the year.

  In 1962, Buffett Partner's capital reached $ 7.2 million, of which 1 million belonged to Buffett's individual. When he merged several partner companies into a "Buffett Partner Limited". The minimum investment to expand to 100,000 US dollars. The situation is a bit like China's private equity fund or private investment company.

  In 1964, Buffett's personal wealth reached $ 4 million, and this time he was in charge of funds up to $ 22 million.

  In the spring of 1966, the US stock market was bullish, but Buffett was restless, and despite his soaring stock, it was hard to find cheap stocks that matched his criteria.

  In October 1967, Buffett was in charge of $ 65 million.

  In 1968, Buffett's stock made its best in history: an increase of 46%, while the Dow Jones index increased by 9%. Buffett's funds rose to $ 100 million, of which $ 25 million was owned by Buffett.

  May 1968, when the stock market all the way triumph, Buffett has informed the partner, he would retire. Subsequently, he gradually cleared the Buffett partner company's almost all the stock.

  June 1969, the stock market down, gradually evolved into a stock market crash, to May 1970, each stock should be lower than the previous year, 50%, or even more.

  Between 1970 and 1974, the US stock market was like a leaked ball, without a trace of anger, sustained inflation and low growth so that the US economy into the "stagflation" period. However, once lost Buffett was secretly pleased, because he saw the financial resources will come from rolling - he found too much cheap stock.

  In 1972, Buffett was eyeing the newspaper industry, because he found a brand-name newspaper, as if there is a bridge of fees, any passengers have to stay to buy money. Beginning in 1973, he secretly in the stock market eroded "Boston Universal" and "Washington Post", his involvement in the "Washington Post" profits increased by an average annual growth of 35%. 10 years later, Buffett invested 10 million US dollars to appreciate the two billion.

  In 1980, he used 120 million US dollars to 10.96 US dollars per share price, buy Coca-Cola 7% of the shares. By 1985, Coca-Cola changed the business strategy, began to withdraw funds, put into the beverage production. Its stock price has risen to 51.5 US dollars, turned 5 times. As for how much, the number can make the world's investors staggering.

  In 1992, Buffett bought a stock of 435 million US high-tech defense industry - General Dynamics, for $ 74, and rose to $ 113 by the end of the year. Buffett had $ 321 million worth of $ 41 million in six months ago.

  At the end of 1994 has developed into a $ 23 billion Berkshire industrial kingdom, it is no longer a spinning mill, it has become a huge investment in Buffett's financial group. From 1965 to 1998, Buffett's stock increased by an average of 20.2% per annum, higher than the Dow Jones index of 10.1 percentage points. If in 1965, he invested $ 10,000 in Buffett's company, and by 1998 he would receive a return of $ 4.33 million, that is, if he chose Buffett 33 years ago, who would have gotten the fortune rocket.

  In March 2000, Buffett became honorary president of the RCA Registered Chartered Analysts Association.

  Since 2000, Buffett through online auction of the way for the grid to fund the fundraising. The reserve price of 50,000 US dollars starting to get the opportunity to dinner with Buffett.

  In June 2006, Buffett announced the donation of 10 million shares of Berkshire Hathaway B shares to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's plan, which is the largest charitable donation ever in the United States The

  On the evening of March 1, 2007, Berkshire Hathaway, the flagship company, Warren Buffett, announced its 2006 fiscal year results, and the data showed that The company's main insurance business was profitable, Berkshire's 2006 profit rose 29.2%, profit of $ 11.02 billion (up from $ 8.53 billion in the same period in 2005); earnings per share of 7144 The dollar ($ 5338 in 2005).

  From 1965 to 2006, the average annual growth rate of Berkshire's net assets reached 21.46%, with an increase of 361156%. The average annual growth rate of the S & P 500 Index was 10.4% and the cumulative growth rate was 6479 %.


  On April 17, 2012, Warren Buffett of the United States sent a letter to its shareholders, Berkshire Hathaway, saying he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but he was still optimistic in the letter Not bad, the doctor said his disease "there is no life at present."

  Buffett on April 17 announced his suffering from a prostate cancer, the US President Barack Obama on April 18 to call Buffett to express condolences. White House press secretary Jay Carney said Obama was giving a brief call when he learned of Buffett's suffering from prostate cancer, and the president wished him all the best.

  81-year-old Buffett said in a letter to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway on April 17 that he was diagnosed with cancer at the 11th day of medical examinations, and he described himself as "energetic" If any health abnormalities, will report to the shareholders in a timely manner.

  According to the American Cancer Society, a prostate cancer, if not diffused, survives nearly 5% of patients after 5 years of treatment.


  Personal wealth

  Warren Buffett in 2011 to net assets of 50 billion US dollars ranked Forbes list third.

  2013 Warren Buffett with net assets of $ 53.5 billion, ranked fourth in the Forbes list.

  March 1, 2016, Forbes announced the global richest list, Warren Buffett personal wealth of 60.8 billion US dollars ranked third.

  Into China

  January 24, 1996, "Shanghai Securities News" published in China's earliest introduction of Buffett's investment ideas of the article "securities investment giant - Warren Bu Fei", Warren Bu Fei is "stock" Warren Buffett was The translation of the name. The author of the article is Professor Sun Di.

  Financial forum

  US debt default

  US debt default has become a global market to talk about the discoloration of the topic, but in the rating of Moody's, this is still a small probability event.

  "The Treasury Department is unlikely to pay due Treasury bonds," said Moody's chief executive Raymond McDaniel. "I hope the debt ceiling will increase on the 17th, but if not, I think the Treasury will continue to honor its commitments."

  Today, the United States democracy, the Republican Party "war" has been burned to the US debt, October 17, 2013, the United States will usher in the debt ceiling test.

  "This (if the US debt default) is like a nuclear bomb explosion, the consequences are simply unimaginable." Buffett last week in the "Fortune" magazine interview said.


  Buffett said there is no doubt that the global economy is slowing, but the United States is slightly better than Europe.

  At the same time, Buffett also said the US housing market has been rotated, with the housing market recovery, housing-related companies will benefit, such as furniture and carpet industry. Buffett revealed that he took advantage of Wells Fargo shares fell, in the past week to buy more of the stock. In the past month, Wells Fargo shares fell more than 3%.

  As of June 30, 2013, Berkshire Hathaway reported that it held more than 411 million shares worth nearly $ 14 billion. Buffett said it was not enough and would continue to buy.

  Buffett believes that the bank is still a very good industry, but the bank crisis before the credit crisis is not profitable. Buffett said he was interested in buying some of the company's prospects in 2012, when two potential $ 20 billion acquisitions were blown by price issues.

  Berkshire Hathaway has $ 40 billion in cash, but the price is unreasonable, and Berkshire Hathaway will not join the bid. He plans to target a $ 6 billion financial company, but he does not mention that it is a potential acquisition.

  Buffett reiterated his long-held view that the stock market is the best funding for investment, and expressed confidence in IBM's long-term prospects.

  In 2011, Berkshire Hathaway bought about $ 11 billion in IBM shares, and Buffett said it would also jiacang to that level. As for Berkshire Hathaway holding another big stock Procter & Gamble, Buffett admitted that in recent years the profitability is really poor.

  But Buffett praised the chairman and chief executive officer Bob McDonald is an outstanding figure. MacDonald's leadership is popular today. Buffett said Berkshire Hathaway had sold some Procter & Gamble stock.

  Buffett also expressed strong support for Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's third term, saying that Bernanke's job was excellent, and that no one was better qualified for the Fed's position. Buffett believes that if the president made an invitation, Bernanke will agree to re-election.

  However, Buffett said he was worried about the Fed's expanding balance sheet. His intuition should be against the Fed's QE3 economic stimulus plan. At the same time, Buffett believes that the United States is very likely in the short term out of the financial cliff risk.

  Taxation point of view

  August 2011, the famous US investor Warren Buffett local time on the 15th that the richest Americans should pay more income tax, to improve the country's financial situation to contribute.

  Buffett said in the "New York Times" entitled "stop pet super rich" article said that the poor and middle-class Americans in Afghanistan for the country to fight, and such a rich but still enjoy Special tax concessions. One of the main manifestations of the distribution of injustice is that the capital is too much in the distribution, and that the labor is too much in the distribution.

  Buffett's 15th in the New York Times article is thoughtful. The title of the article is "stop spoiled the rich", the signs directly to the rich. Some people will say that Buffett is not deliberately to please President Obama, non-also, whether it is wealth or age, he does not need to please anyone and any power. This is Buffett's consistent style and thought. This passage is equally worthy of the richness of the Chinese people.





