A poor wood-cutter lived with his wife and three daughters in
a little hut on the edge of a lonely forest. One morning as he
was about to go to his work, he said to his wife, "Let my dinner
be brought into the forest to me by my eldest daughter, or I shall
never get my work done, and in order that she may not miss her
way," he added, "I will take a bag of millet with me and strew
the seeds on the path." When, therefore, the sun was just above
the center of the forest, the girl set out on her way with a bowl of
soup, but the field-sparrows, and wood-sparrows, larks and finches,
blackbirds and siskins had picked up the millet long before, and the
girl could not find the track. Then trusting to chance, she went on
and on, until the sun sank and night began to fall. The trees rustled
in the darkness, the owls hooted, and she began to be afraid. Then
in the distance she perceived a light which glimmered between the
trees. "There ought to be some people living there, who can take
me in for the night," thought she, and went up to the light. It was
not long before she came to a house the windows of which were all
lighted up. She knocked, and a rough voice from inside cried, "Come
in." The girl stepped into the dark entrance, and knocked at the door
of the room. "Just come in," cried the voice, and when she opened the
door, an old gray-haired man was sitting at the table, supporting his face
with both hands, and his white beard fell down over the table almost
as far as the ground. By the stove lay three animals, a hen, a cock, and
a brindled cow. The girl told her story to the old man, and begged for
shelter for the night. The man said,
"Pretty little hen,
Pretty little cock,
And pretty brindled cow,
What say ye to that?"
"Duks," answered the animals, and that must have meant, "We are
willing," for the old man said, "Here you shall have shelter and food,
go to the fire, and cook us our supper." The girl found in the kitchen
abundance of everything, and cooked a good supper, but had no thought
of the animals. She carried the full dishes to the table, seated herself by
the gray-haired man, ate and satisfied her hunger. When she had had
enough, she said, "But now I am tired, where is there a bed in which I
can lie down, and sleep?" The animals replied,
"Thou hast eaten with him,
Thou hast drunk with him,
Thou hast had no thought for us,
So find out for thyself where thou canst pass the night."
Then said the old man, "Just go upstairs, and thou wilt find a
room with two beds, shake them up, and put white linen on them,
and then I, too, will come and lie down to sleep." The girl went
up, and when she had shaken the beds and put clean sheets on,
she lay down in one of them without waiting any longer for the
old man. After some time, however, the gray-haired man came,
took his candle, looked at the girl and shook his head. When he
saw that she had fallen into a sound sleep, he opened a trap-door,
and let her down into the cellar.
Late at night the wood-cutter came home, and reproached his
wife for leaving him to hunger all day. "It is not my fault," she
replied, "the girl went out with your dinner, and must have lost
herself, but she is sure to come back to-morrow." The wood-cutter,
however, arose before dawn to go into the forest, and requested
that the second daughter should take him his dinner that day. "I
will take a bag with lentils," said he; "the seeds are larger than millet,
the girl will see them better, and can't lose her way." At dinner-time,
therefore, the girl took out the food, but the lentils had disappeared.
The birds of the forest had picked them up as they had done the day
before, and had left none. The girl wandered about in the forest
until night, and then she too reached the house of the old man,
was told to go in, and begged for food and a bed. The man with
the white beard again asked the animals,
"Pretty little hen,
Pretty little cock,
And pretty brindled cow,
What say ye to that?"
The animals again replied "Duks," and everything happened just
as it had happened the day before. The girl cooked a good meal,
ate and drank with the old man, and did not concern herself about
the animals, and when she inquired about her bed they answered,
"Thou hast eaten with him,
Thou hast drunk with him,
Thou hast had no thought for us,
To find out for thyself where thou canst pass the night."
When she was asleep the old man came, looked at her, shook his
head, and let her down into the cellar.
On the third morning the wood-cutter said to his wife, "Send our
youngest child out with my dinner to-day, she has always been good
and obedient, and will stay in the right path, and not run about after
every wild humble-bee, as her sisters did." The mother did not
want to do it, and said, "Am I to lose my dearest child, as well?"
"Have no fear,' he replied, "the girl will not go astray; she is too
prudent and sensible; besides I will take some peas with me, and
strew them about. They are still larger than lentils, and will show
her the way." But when the girl went out with her basket on her
arm, the wood-pigeons had already got all the peas in their crops,
and she did not know which way she was to turn. She was full
of sorrow and never ceased to think how hungry her father would
be, and how her good mother would grieve, if she did not go home.
At length when it grew dark, she saw the light and came to the house
in the forest. She begged quite prettily to be allowed to spend the night
there, and the man with the white beard once more asked his animals,