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  Chemicals commonly found in beauty products such as nail polishes, hair sprays andperfumesmay increase risk of diabetes for some women, new research suggests.

  Chemicals commonly found in beauty products such as nail polishes, hair sprays andperfumesmay increase risk of diabetes for some women, new research suggests.

  Researchers analyzed urine samples from 2,350 women who participated in the long-runningNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a nationally representative sampleof Americanwomen. They were looking for concentrations of chemicals known as phthalates,which are oftenfound in personal care products and in adhesives, electronics, products used tomanufacture cars, toys, packaging and even some coatings for medications.

  Phthalates are considered "endocrine-disrupting" because they can alter normal regulationofcertain mechanisms in the body, including hormone regulation, and have been tied inpreviousresearch to diabetes and obesity risk, Dr. Kenneth Spaeth, director of theOccupational andEnvironmental Medicine Center's department of population health at NorthShore UniversityHospital in Manhasset, N.Y., told HealthPop. He was not involved in the study.

  The researchers found that women with the highest concentrations of two types of phthalates -mono-benzyl phthalate and mono-isobutyl phthalate - were nearly two times more likely tohavediabetes compared to women with the least amounts of these chemicals. Women withmoderatelyhigh levels of the phthalates mono-n-butyl phthalate and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalatewere 70 percent more likely to have diabetes compared to their counterparts.

  The findings were published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a journal published bythegovernment's National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

  "This is an important first step in exploring the connection between phthalates and diabetes,"saidDr. Tamara James-Todd, a researcher in women's health at Brigham and Women's HospitalinBoston, said in a press release. The researchers could not prove that phthalates causeddiabetes orhaving diabetes increased concentrations of the chemicals in a person's body.

  "We know that in addition to being present in personal care products, phthalates also existincertain types of medical devices and medication that is used to treat diabetes and this couldalsoexplain the higher level of phthalates in diabetic women," she added. "So overall, moreresearch isneeded."

  One of the problems is that chemicals like phthalates are practically unavoidable, accordingtoSpaeth.

  "These chemicals are unfortunately ubiquitous," Spaeth explained. "It's pretty clear fromstudiesthat we're exposed all day long to these various household or personal care products."

  Spaeth says it's a real challenge to reduce phthalate exposure because sometimes thechemical is ametabolic byproduct of another ingredient or a product label may not say itcontains phthalatesonly for phthalates to be found in the packaging the product came in, whichdoes not need to bementioned on a product label.

  "It's really hard to make informed decisions about these kinds of things," he said. "Maybe we'llgetto a point when the health effects are more widely recognized, that there will be incentivetochange how products are made and packaged."

  However Spaeth did say research has shown phthalates can find their way into householddustand people sometimes ingest them that way, so simple steps like frequent vaccuming anddusting, or washing your hands regularly before eating may decrease risk.



  Even relatively clean-living Singaporeans who regularly eat burgers, fries and other staplesof U.S.-style fast food are at a raised risk of diabetes and more likely than their peers to die ofheart disease, according to an international study.

  at a raised risk of diabetes:提高患糖尿病的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

  But Asian fast foods, such as noodles or dumplings, did not bear the same risk, the studypublished in the journal Circulation said.

  bear the same risk:承受同樣的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

  the journal Circulation:《循環(huán)》雜志

  With globalization, U.S.-style fast food has become commonplacein East and SoutheastAsia. The study looked at more than 60,000 Singaporeans of Chinese descent.

  "Many cultures welcome (Western fast food) because it's a sign they're developing theireconomics," said Andrew Odegaard, from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health,who led the study.

  the University of Minnesota School of Public Health:明尼蘇達(dá)大學(xué)的公共衛(wèi)生學(xué)院

  "But while it may be desirable from a cultural standpoint, from a health perspective theremay be a cost," he told Reuters Health.

  a cultural standpoint:文化角度

  The study participants were interviewed in the 1990s, then followed for about a decade.

  Participants were between 45 and 74 years old at the outset. During the study period, 1,397 died of cardiac causes and 2,252 developed type 2 diabetes.

  died of cardiaccauses:死于心臟病

  Those who ate fast food two or more times a week had 27 percent greater odds ofdiabetes and 56 percent higher risk of cardiac death than those who ate little or no fast food,the researchers found.

  greater odds of:更大的幾率

  Among 811 subjects who ate Western-style fast food four or more times a week, the riskof cardiac death rose by 80 percent.

  Western-style fast food:西式快餐

  The findings held even after the researchers adjusted for other factors that could influencehealth, including age, sex, weight, smoking status and education level.

  In fact, the Singaporeans who ate Western fast food often were more likely to be younger,educated and physically active, and were less likely to smoke, than those who stuck to a moretraditional diet.

  physically active:體力活動(dòng)

  Odegaard's team found that Eastern fast foods, such as dim sum, noodles and dumplings,were not associated with more cases of type 2 diabetes and cardiac deaths.

  dim sum:中式點(diǎn)心

  be not associated with:與……無(wú)關(guān)

  "It wasn't their own snacks that was putting them at increased risk, but American-style fastfood," he said.

  The profile of the fast food eaters differs markedly from that of the average fast foodconsumer in the United States, he added, with eating fast food in countries like Singapore astatus symbol and a way of "participating in American culture".

  a status symbol:身份象征

  The findings hold serious implications for recently developed and emerging countries, saidSara Bleich, an assistant professor of health policy at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of PublicHealth in Baltimore.

  hold serious implications for:對(duì)……有嚴(yán)重影響

  Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health:約翰霍普金斯大學(xué)彭博公共衛(wèi)生學(xué)院

  "The big multinational fast food companies are increasingly looking to maximize profitoutside the United States, and they're looking to emerging economies like Singapore to dothat," she said. "So at the global level, the health implications are very strong."

  maximize profit:追求利潤(rùn)最大化

  emerging economies:新興市場(chǎng)國(guó)家



  Fatter people are more likely to lose their memories and brain power quicker than thosewho are thinner, according to British research.


  Those who are obese, and have other health problems such as high blood pressure andhigh cholesterol, lose their memory and thinking skills almost a quarter faster, foundresearchers at University College London.


  Their study was based on almost 6,500 Whitehall civil servants, whose health wasmonitored between the ages of 50 and 60.


  They were weighed and measured, their blood pressure and cholesterol levels were taken,and they were also asked what medication they were taking.


  In addition, they were asked to perform mental tests three times during the decade,which were used to assess memory and other cognitiveskills.


  Of the 6,401 civil servants in the study, nine per cent (582) were obese. Of those, 350 werealso classed as “metabolicallyabnormal”- meaning they had two additional risk factors such ashigh blood pressure, high cholesterol, were taking medication for either condition, or werediabetic.


  The researchers found the obese tended to lose their mental powers faster than theirthinner colleagues, while those who also had additional conditions lost their memory andthinking skills fastest of all.


  The latter group experienced a 22.5 percent faster decline on their cognitive test scoresover the decade than those who were healthy.


  Archana Singh-Manoux, of the Paris research institute Inserm, who contributed to thestudy, said their results indicated the idea that people could be obese but still healthy wasflawed.

  巴黎研究機(jī)構(gòu)Inserm的辛格-曼諾(Archana Singh-Manoux)負(fù)責(zé)這項(xiàng)研究。他說(shuō),他們的研究結(jié)果表明胖子是健康的這一看法是站不腳的。

  Shirley Cramer, chief executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “We do not yet know whyobesity and metabolic abnormality are linked to poorer brain performance, but with obesitylevels on the rise, it will be important to delvea little deeper into this association.

  英國(guó)老年癡呆癥研究所的主管雪莉·克萊默(Shirley Cramer)說(shuō):“目前我們還不知道為什么肥胖與新陳代謝異常這兩方面會(huì)和腦力衰弱有聯(lián)系。但是隨著肥胖程度的增加,進(jìn)一步深入探究它們之間的關(guān)聯(lián)將變得很重要。”

  “While the study itself focuses on cognitive decline, previous research suggests that ahealthy diet, regular exercise, not smoking and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol inmidlife can also help stave off dementia."
