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  1、母愛是一種巨大的火焰。a mother's love is a huge flame。

  2、看清這個世界,然后愛它。see the world, and then love it。

  3、人們不能給情欲規(guī)定一個時間。people can't lust for a specified time。

  4、人類的生活其實(shí)都是心理生活。human life are psychological life。

  5、扼殺思想的人,是最大的謀殺犯。kill the thought, is the greatest murderer。

  6、怯懦的人,會把朋友送給劊子手。timid people, will send a friend to the executioner。

  7、誰有進(jìn)取的意志,誰就干得成。who has the will of enterprising, who is doing。

  8、生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少發(fā)現(xiàn)。life is not lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery。

  9、標(biāo)志時代的最靈敏的晴雨表是青年人。sign is the most sensitive barometer of the era of young people。

  10、如果你想獨(dú)占真理,真理就要嘲笑你了。if you want to monopolize the truth, the truth will laugh at you。

  11、世上只有一個真理,便是忠實(shí)于人生,并且愛它。there is only one truth, it is true to life, and love it。

  12、生活最沉重的負(fù)擔(dān)不是工作,而是無聊。life the most heavy burden is not working, but boring。

  13、朋友看朋友是透明的,他們彼此交換著生。friends watch is transparent, they exchange with each other。

  14、柔和的態(tài)度對于一顆被人輕蔑的心的確是很大的安慰。gentle attitude for a heart to be contempt indeed is a great comfort。

  15、宿命論是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的借口。fatalism is an excuse for those who lack the willpower of the weak。

  16、為了高尚的目標(biāo),多大的代價我也愿付出。how much cost i also to noble goal, is willing to pay。

  17、你的與熱情,是你航行的靈魂的舵和帆。you and passion, is your voyage of the rudder and the sails of the soul。

  18、人生是共同使用的葡萄園,一起栽培,一起收獲。life is a common use vineyard and cultivation, harvest together。

  19、天才免不了有障礙,因?yàn)檎系K會創(chuàng)造天才。obstacles are inevitable to the talents, for obstacles can create geniuses。

  20、要散布陽光到別人心里,先得自己心里有陽光。the in the mind to spread sunshine to others, to the sunshine in my mind。


  1、每個人的生活經(jīng)驗(yàn)都是由自己去體會的。如果你有勇氣,一切都會順利。each person's life experience is to experience。 if you have the courage, everything will be smooth。

  2、對等工作的嚴(yán)肅態(tài)度,高度的正直,形成了自由和秩序之間的平衡。peer work serious attitude, a high degree of integrity, to form the balance between freedom and order。

  3、誰要在世界上遇到過一次友愛的人,體會過肝膽相照的境界,就是嘗到了天上人間的歡樂。who want to met a loving man in the world, have sworn brothers, is tasted the joy of the earth。

  4、前途是屬于那些一旦決定之后,就不屈不撓不達(dá)目的誓不罷休的人。future belongs to those who once the decision, he perseverance oath to reach the goal don't give up。

  5、一旦自私的幸福,變成了人生唯一的目標(biāo),人生就會變得沒有目標(biāo)。once the selfish happiness, became the only aim in life, life will become without goals。

  6、我服從理性,有必要時,我可以為它犧牲我的友誼,我的憎惡,以及我的生命。me to obey reason, when necessary, i can sacrifice my friendship for it, i hate, and my life。

  7、每個人都從書中研究自己,要不是發(fā)現(xiàn)自己,就是控制自己。everyone from research himself in the book, if it weren't for found himself, is to control oneself。

  8、唯有心靈能使人高貴。所有那些自命高貴而沒有高貴的心靈的人,都像塊污泥。only the mind can make people noble。 all that they are noble and no noble heart, like a piece of sludge。

  9、即使通過自己的努力知道一半真理,也比人云亦云地知道全部真理要好得多。even through their own efforts to know half the truth is much better than conformity to know all the truth。

  10、人生是一場賭博。不管人生的財(cái)博是得是損,只要該賭的肉尚剩一磅,我就會賭它。life is a gamble。 no matter life is gambling is better is damaged, as long as the wager a pound of meat is still left, i would bet on it。

  11、累累的創(chuàng)傷,就是生命給你的最好東西,因?yàn)樵诿總€創(chuàng)傷上面都標(biāo)志著前進(jìn)的一步。debt-laden trauma, is life the best things to you, because in every trauma it marks a step forward。

  12、從來沒有人為了讀書而讀書,只有在書中讀自己,在書中發(fā)現(xiàn)自己,或檢查自己。no one to reading and reading, and only read in the book, in the book, he found himself, or check yourself。

  13、人生所有的歡樂是創(chuàng)造的歡樂:愛情天才行動全靠創(chuàng)造這一團(tuán)烈火進(jìn)射出來的。all joy is the joy of creation in life: to love genius action by creating a ball of fire into the shot。

  14、凡是對真理沒有虔誠的熱烈的敬意的人,絕對談不到良心,談不到崇高的生命,談不到高尚。all the truth no pious warm respect person, never talk about conscience and less lofty life, the less noble。

  15、花時間精力去鑿許多淺井還不如花相當(dāng)多的時間和精力去鑿一口深井。spend time and energy sinking many shallow wells it is better to spend a considerable amount of time and energy to cut a deep well。

  16、讓整個一生都在追求中度過吧。那么在這一生中必定會有許許多多美好的時刻。let the whole life is spent in the pursuit of it。 so in this life will have many, many wonderful moment。

  17、即使一動不動,時間也在替我們移動。而日子的消逝,就是帶走我們希望保留的幻想。even if motionless, time also move in for us。 and the passing of time is taken away the illusion of we want to keep。

  18、不要為過去的時間嘆息!我們在人生的道路上,最好的辦法是向前看,不要回頭。don't sigh for the past time! we are on the way of life, the best way is to look ahead, not back。

  19、懷疑與信仰,兩者都是必需的。懷疑能把昨天的信仰摧毀,替明天的信仰開路。doubt and belief, both are necessary。 doubt can destroy in yesterday's belief, faith open for tomorrow。

  20、人類經(jīng)常把一個生涯發(fā)生的事,撰寫成歷史,在從那里看人生。其實(shí),那不過是隱,人生是內(nèi)在的。people often put a career, to write history, from there to see in your life。 in fact, it is hidden, the life is internal。

  羅曼羅蘭英語相關(guān)閱讀:Romain Rolland 羅曼·羅蘭

  Romain Rolland, the great French savant, novelist, dramatist, essayist and mystic--Romain Rolland (1866--1944) was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915.


  He was born in Clamecy, Nievre, France. His family was of mixed stock including both wealthy townspeople and poorer peasant" lineage.


  Romain Rolland went to University in 1886 where he studied philosophy; however, he didn't enjoy the rigid syllabus and so left before he had finished his course. Instead, he received a degree in history. After university, he spent a couple of years in Italy greatly admiring Italian masterpieces.


  On returning to France, he took up posts teaching at various universities, including the Sorbonne. However, his heart was never in teaching. He preferred to be a writer. Therefore, he quit his teaching post to dedicate his time to writing. Rolland was the nature introverted. He didn't make close friendships but absorbed himself in his writing. During the German occupation of France from 1940, he led a life of isolation and was very much a loner.


  Romain Rolland was a lifelong pacifist. He was a great admirer of Gandhi and in 1924 wrote a book on Gandhi. This book was important for Gandhi's reputation. The two men were able to meet in 1931. Throughout his life, Romain Rolland retained a keen interest in Indian spirituality. He also wrote a biography of the great Hindu Saint Sri Ramakrishna. Romain Rolland was also a keen admirer of Sri Aurobindo, a leading Indian nationalist and then teacher of Yoga. Romain Rolland died on Dec 30th,1944 in Vezelay.







