A: Mark is not a cowardly or timorous person but the other night he was quivering like a terrified rabbit.
B: Why, what was so frightening?
A: They dared him to spend the night in the haunted house and apparently he saw something so horrifying; he was too socked to speak for over an hour.
B: I guess that is what is known as terror-stricken.
A: Mark不是個膽小的人,也不是戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)兢兢的人,可那天晚上卻被嚇得跟受驚的兔子似的渾身發(fā)抖。
B: 為什么?什么那么嚇人?
A: 人家激他敢不敢在鬼屋住一個晚上,很顯然,他看到了什么恐怖的東西,他嚇得一個多小時都說不出話來。
B: 我想那就是大家所說的嚇傻了吧。
cowardly: 膽小的,怯懦的。
timorous: 膽怯的,羞怯的,尤指在需要闖勁、獨立和自信的場合;易受驚的。
quivering: 戰(zhàn)栗的,發(fā)抖的。
terrified: 被恐懼嚇倒了的,害怕的。
terror-stricken: 由于十分強烈的恐懼而嚇得膽戰(zhàn)心驚的。
A: Did you see my wife’s face when I told her I lost my job?
B: Yeah, she was as white as a sheet.
A: But I told her right away that I was just joking.
A: 當(dāng)我告訴我老婆我失業(yè)了的時候,你看到她的臉色了嗎?
B: 看到了,她面色慘白。
A: 但是我馬上告訴她我只是在開玩笑罷了。
A: I can’t believe you let everyone in the office gossip and chat all day! What kind of manager are you?
B: A chicken-hearted one, I guess. I just don’t know how to handle confrontations.
A: 我真是難以置信你竟然允許大家整天在辦公室里閑聊!你是哪門子經(jīng)理啊?
B: 膽小如鼠的那種經(jīng)理吧。我真的不知道該怎樣對付面對面的沖突。
as white as a sheet: 形容人面色蒼白。
gossip: 說三道四。
chicken-hearted: 膽小的,軟弱的,膽小如鼠的。
confrontation: 對抗,交鋒。