The Education Department's Office of Civil Rights is investigating a complaint that Harvard andPrinceton universities discriminates against Asian-Americans.
The investigation began with a complaint from an Indian-American student in California whowas near the top of his high school class but was rejected at both schools.
The civil rights agency doesn't discuss the substance of pending cases, so there's no tellingwhat evidence the Indian-American family might have to support a discrimination claim. Mere rejection — by either Harvard or Princeton — likely would not suffice, as both schoolsroutinely reject students with perfect SAT scores and grade-point averages.
A Harvard spokesman told reporter Golden the institution does not discriminate. Asian-Americans make up 16 percent of Harvard undergraduates.
Asian-American students have challenged Ivy League admission policies before.
Jian Li, a Chinese American, filed a civil rights complaint after Princeton rejected him in 2006. He'd scored a perfect 2400 on the SAT and graduated in the top 1 percent of his class, yet hadbeen rejected at several Ivies.
Golden reports that the agency received a fresh complaint in September targeting Yale, subsequently withdrawn.
It's questionable, though, whether any student could prove discrimination by those schoolswithout access to stacks of admission data.
Harvard's admission rate has dipped to 6.2 percent, and Yale and Princeton aren't far behind. There is simply no guarantee of admission, no matter one's credentials.
There's plenty of research to suggest, though, that Asian-American applicants must bringhigher test scores and GPAs than whites, Hispanics or Blacks to gain entry.
Golden cites a 2011 study of admissions at Duke: Asian-American enrollees scored 1457 on thereading and math sections of the SAT, compared to 1416 for whites, 1347 for Hispanics and 1275 for Blacks.
Tiger Mother
The traditional Chinese way of supporting and pushing the child to realise his full potential. Tiger moms demand perfect grades because they believe that their children can get them. Theyalso believe that they know what is best for their children and therefore override all of theirchildren's own desires and preferences. For them, the best way to protect their children is bypreparing them for the future, letting them see what they're capable of, and arming them withskills and work habits.
Chooper Mother/Helicopter Mother
The anxious Chopper/Helicopter Mom hovers around her children 24/7, whether they are athome or in school. She storms into the principal's office when her children didn't get goodgrades, involves in all school activities, hires party planners for her toddler's 3rd birthday party, and protects them from all dangers.
Free-range Mother
The casual Free-range Mom lets her children breathe, explore life at their own pace, makethings instead of buying the best...you get the picture. Some free-range moms are a bit toolaid-back, others may argue.