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1) Come a long way 有很大的進步

Human being has come a long from drinking and eating raw food to talking through cell phones.

2) It is worthwhile to / it is worth doing

It is worthwhile to spend time in learning music and art, because they can benefit me for life time.

3) Give credit for 歸功于

The convenience that commuters (通勤者 )has now should give credit for the newly opened subway lines.

4) Give sb. a competitive edge 給某人競爭優(yōu)勢

Learning multiple languages give people a competitive edge in this demanding society.

5) Remove the barrier for 為(發(fā)展,交流等)消除障礙

Learning English is a way to remove the barrier for communicating with many foreigners./exchanging with exotic cultures.

6) Be the cornerstone of 是 的基石

Believing in the correlation of hardworking and success is the cornerstone of American spirit.

7) Be an essential ingredient of 是 的條件

A sound health is an essential ingredient of excellent academic performance.

8) profit from/benefit from 從中獲益

People can profit/benefit from the advancement of modern technology, such as computers, the Internet and many digital devices.

9) is an indispensable part of 是 中不可或缺的一部分

Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work , play and learn.

10) plays a pivotal role in 扮演者至關(guān)重要的角色

It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success

11) enable somebody to do something 是某人做某事

The policy of restricting usage of plastic bags enables people to foster an awareness of environmental protection.

12) get accustomed to do something 習(xí)慣于做某事

People may need time to get accustomed to use less plastic bags which once brought us great convenience, but this practice will definitely benefit/better our environment.

13) Someone can utilize something 使用,利用

In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones.

14) something is in the best interests of someone 最符合 的利益

Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity.

15) contribute to 促成(表原因)

The restricting of private cars can contribute to the betterment of traffic condition in Beijing.

16)be supposed to 應(yīng)該

People living in modern society are supposed to know health is more important than anything else.

17)hold fast to 牢牢地把握住(fast 這里是 堅實地 )

This movie The Pursuit of Happiness tells people that they should hold fast to their dreams, like Chris said, When you have a dream, you should protect it.

18)put a premium on/ put a high value on/cherish(vt.)/treasure(vt.) 珍視,重視

Good parents always put a premium on children s education.

19) bear in mind 牢記

It is important to bear in mind that happiness comes from a person s inner feeling not the possession he/she has.


★★★★★, originally, formerly(后面須有相對應(yīng)的latterly), principally, mainly, essentially, basically, fundamentally★★★★★, to begin with, to start with, at the outset…

★★★★★, afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding (adj.), what is more, furthermore (further more)…

★★★★★, eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all…

(句末), in addition(句前), besides(句前), moreover(句前), additionally(句前)★★★★★…

(這些換用多用在句子間連接): plus, as well as, along with, in addition★★★★★, bonus, with…

(這些換用多用在句子間連接): otherwise, if not, before, or else…


★★★★★(后面只能接賓語,不能接句子), since★★★★★, as to, in that, for the reason that, for, now that…

(換用的時候需要注意與but的區(qū)別), moreover, nevertheless★★★★★, nonetheless★★★★★, on the contrary, on the other hand, 讓步although, even thought, though, even if, while, despite the fact that★★★★★…

★★★★★, singly, solely, rarely★★★★★…


★★★★★, acutely, decidedly, deeply, exceedingly, greatly, highly, uncommonly, profoundly★★★★★, unusually…

★★★★★, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, literally★★★★★, truly …


★★★★★, case, trouble, difficulty, dilemma(注意與Problem之間差別)

★★★★★, discussion, assembly, conclave, congress, convention★★★★★, gathering session, assignation★★★★★, encounter, confrontation, argument, controversy…

★★★★★(此詞僅有名詞詞性, consideration, contemplation, inspection, investigation★★★★★, knowledge, scholarship…

★★★★★, weakness, inconvenience, drawback★★★★★, deficiency, flaw★★★★★, handicap (also v. 妨礙

★★★★★, conduct, life style★★★★★



反過來,用一些貌似很文雅的詞,分?jǐn)?shù)自然就高了么?比如說“我哥們的爸爸,昨晚駕崩了”很顯然,你只會噴飯。也許各位考友會覺得這個很可笑,但是實際上我們很多考友的作文,在地道的英美人看來,寫的就是這樣的。比如說They wear raunchy clothes because they don’t know how to iron them; they spend a lot of money eating outside because they can’t cook; they live in a messy room because they never learn to organize it.這就是摘取自一篇20分的作文的詞句。這里面的“raunchy”這個詞,作者想用的是“邋遢的”這個含義,但是實際上這個詞最常用的意思是“淫穢的”…….



當(dāng)看到這里的時候,也許很多考友都疑惑了,如果不用這些高級詞,那我們還用什么呢?其實很簡單,好的作文,關(guān)鍵是要用詞準(zhǔn)確到位!而且最好能地道!那就更完美了!比如說,你在班級里學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)的很好,固然可以寫did well in my class,但是也可以寫confirm the leading position!因為單純的well,很寬泛,到底什么算是好呢?第一名?第五名?還是第15名?但是如果你寫出來confirm the leading position就表明你很有可能是在前3名,這就很準(zhǔn)確了!這是用詞準(zhǔn)確!

再就是用詞地道,這就好比跟東北人說:他對象長的老棵磣了。跟廣東人說:你真系風(fēng)吹皇帝褲浪!跟上海人說:阿拉夜飯吃格是油燜落蘇。這就是地道!在英語里地道的表達(dá),也自然是會受到好評的。比如說When it comes to boxing, Chandelier is an expert.這里的comes to…..就不是“去哪里”而是“談?wù)摰?,談及……”的意思。這就是英語里的地道的表達(dá)!



in abeyance

電影或其他政策性事務(wù)延期的情況,除了put off 和 pos官方真題Officialne 等常用表達(dá)外,還可以用到 in abeyance。

1. Aftera recent case of firework explosion, all the preparations for the fireworkdisplay this year are held in abeyance pending official government’s conclusionon the issue.


2.Thepublic were wondering on which ground the president held his trip to the Europe in abeyance.


3.Currently ,the tablets for cold merely function as a relief, holding the escalation ofsymptoms in abeyance.


4.Anyconstruction generating noise during the College Entrance Examination periodshould be lain in abeyance.


leave sb. holding the bag/baby

看過霍比特人3的小伙伴們都知道,一開始,矮人王索林被沾染了惡龍邪氣的金幣所迷惑,拒絕參戰(zhàn),把戰(zhàn)斗的責(zé)任留給了他的表兄以及精靈和人類。把重大責(zé)任推卸給別人,我們可以用leave sb. holding the baby,美語中也可以說leave sb. holding the bag

1.Whenthe stock market fluctuates, only the private shareholders are left holding the bag.


2.With conflicts between the doctor and the patient provoking, an increasing number ofmedical staff are feeling themselves left holding the baby.


3. Thosewho leave the public holding the baby cannot be elected as a leader.


4.Scapegoatdescribes someone who is left holding the bag.


bring / call into play

五軍之戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)事一觸即發(fā),必須充分利用各軍之力,才能獲得最后的勝利。童鞋們要表達(dá)利用,首先想到的是take advantage of,make use of等,試試bring into play,也可以說call into play:

1.Notonly the legislation system but the public awareness should be called into play in terms of environment protection.


2.Tosucceed in study, interest, a prominent source of concentration, shall be brought into play.


3.An efficient company would rather call into play any approach to promote workefficiency and cooperation than lay off staff to save cost.


4.The teacher has brought into play several learning methods to distinguish the groups of students who adjust to the corresponding modes the most.


road to Damascus

插個《圣經(jīng)》故事,據(jù)說一名基督徒的迫害者保羅在從耶路撒冷到大馬士革(羅馬帝國敘利亞省會)抓捕基督徒的路上突然被擊倒,眼睛因受比太陽更強的光刺激而暫時失明。此時他聽到了上帝的召喚,于是皈依基督。由此,road to Damascus被用來描述(觀點或信仰的)翻然改變:

1.It has been a road to Damascus moment for the contemporary world, which hassuffered enough from fierce competition, lack of natural resources, and seriousenvironment pollutions.


2.Peoplehave been expecting a road to Damascus moment to change the current miserablelife.


3.Hisfailure in college entrance examination was the road to Damascus moment in thelife.


4.Everyone would meet his road to Damascus moment when some vital decision has to be made.


it is / these are early days

看了五軍之戰(zhàn)的童鞋們都知道,惡龍史矛革被射死以后故事就結(jié)束了嗎?顯然言之尚早哦!為了分得自己的那杯羹,人類和精靈向矮人族宣戰(zhàn)了。言之過早,我們說 it is early days或者these are early days,結(jié)果嘛,顯然跟預(yù)想的不大一樣哦:

1.Although it’s early days yet, the smooth process before the cooperation between the two nations has cheered up the public.


2.Whether it’s early days or not, the government should not wait till it’s too late toprotect the environment.


3. Are these really early days to prepare primary school students for college entranceexamination, by means of private tutor and after-class training?


4.Peopleare born equal, but whoever makes a big difference in the later days starts when it’s early time.


face the music

face the music,面對音樂嗎?顯然不是,這是個面褒實貶的表達(dá),表示接受批評或懲罰。比如左邊的白袍巫師薩如曼,在指環(huán)王三部曲中就是個不折不扣的應(yīng)該face the music的主兒。

1.Responsible leaders will not leave his team members facing the music.


2.Even if the president stood in front of the public, facing the music, the rage builtup in the crowds.


3.Whoever faces up the music today may simply be a scapegoat rather than the one whocommitted the crime.


4.Most Chinese pupils have to face the music every time after exam, simply becausethey fall out of the top ten.


gain ground

弓箭手巴德絕對是人類中的佼佼者,他憑借出色的箭法射殺了巨龍史矛革,同時,他在長湖鎮(zhèn)人民的心中也成功地gain ground。我們用gainground來描述更強大,更有效或更成功:

1. The number of people in pursuit of material life has gained ground with increasing momentum.


2.With foreign brands gaining ground in the Chinese market, in better quality butlower price, the local manufacturers have to reform to survive the international competition.


3. Distant education has gained ground not only with in the American boundary, but in theremote oriental countries, such as China and India.


4.When electronic books have gained ground in publishing, paper books seem to havelost its status.


hackles rise

光看字面:頸毛豎起來,這是動物憤怒的表征。用在人身上,也便是極度憤怒的意思了。擁有眾多女粉絲的精靈王瑟蘭迪爾,比兒子顏值更高,哪怕hackles rise,應(yīng)該也是傾倒眾生吧:

1. After Malaysia Airline made contradictory claims concerning the missing of MH370, therelatives of the passengers felt their hackles rise.


2. Japan’sclaim to the dominion over Tiao Yu Island has made all the Chinese’s hackles rise.


3.Awise teacher should welcome discussions rather than feel hackles rise when students challenge him.


4.According to a recent medical report, those who have their hackles rise frequently tendto suffer from cancer more.


cut no ice

我們偉大的灰袍巫師甘道夫是正義力量最堅實可靠的朋友。甚至乎,我們以為,無論發(fā)生什么事,甘道夫都可以輕松搞定??上?,在強大的暗黑力量面前,甘道夫那點魔法沒有絲毫作用,cut no ice with the dark power:

1.Distractions,such as TV and computer, cut on ice with the students who are wholly devoted tostudy.


2.Evidencehas proven current approaches to environment protection have cut on ice.


3.Teaching is characteristic, and even the most widely adopted education method may cut no ice with certain amount of students.


4.It’s without scientific vision to deny the importance of the cure, which temporarily cuts no ice with the patients.


jam tomorrow

美麗的精靈護衛(wèi)隊長塔瑞爾愛上了矮人奇力,顯然,精靈和矮人的愛情,只能是可望不可及的美夢而已。我們用 jam tomorrow 來描述這種眼高手低的“美好”:

1.Datingback to the old times when the public were frequently fooled by them anipulation of policies, voters nowadays are thus less convinced of the jam tomorrow political candidates create.


2.Inthe contemporary society, an independent and confident woman shall not beeasily persuaded by a jam tomorrow a man boasts.


3.Apromise of jam tomorrow is the pursuit of the students who stay up almost everynight for previews and reviews.


4.Without diligence, intelligence and social network, a pleasant job with satisfactory pay is merely a promise of jam tomorrow.









7.提升托福獨立寫作 務(wù)實才能有高分





在托福的寫作中,我們使用一些高級詞匯去替換掉那些陳谷子爛芝麻的詞匯可以幫助我們提高分?jǐn)?shù),為了幫助大家備考,下面小編給大家?guī)硗懈懽鞲呒壴~匯整理。托福寫作高級詞匯1) Come


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